Boat Address: Dock D, slip 25, Ventura Harbor Village, CA

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1591 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura CA 93001. This address is not associated with the Spectre dive boat; it’s just the closest building to the Spectre dock. The Spectre is on the harbor side of this building at Dock D, slip 25.
South on the 101 Freeway toward Ventura. Exit at Seaward Avenue. Take a left on Harbor Blvd for two miles. Turn right on Spinnaker Drive then follow the “Harbor” directions below to the Spectre.
North on 101 toward Ventura. Exit at Victoria Avenue. Go left on Victoria then turn right on Olivas Park Drive. Follow Olivas for about four miles to Ventura Harbor. Olivas becomes Spinnaker Drive at the harbor. Use the “Harbor” directions below to locate the Spectre.
Exit at Rice Ave in Oxnard. Take Rice to the 101. Follow the directions for drivers coming from the south.
For divers coming from Bakersfield and points north exit on the 126 to Ventura. Turn right on Victoria Ave near Ventura then follow the directions for drivers coming from the south to Olivas Park Drive.
The Spectre is docked at the north end of the Ventura Harbor Village complex of restaurants and shops on Spinnaker Drive. The Spectre is located at dock D, slip 25. Take the ramp near the Greek Restaurant down to the dock. The Spectre is on the very end.
Parking is free. Dive boat parking begins at the north end of the shop and restaurant complex immediately past the last building.